Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Oz Day One

After 23 hours travelling, we finally arrived in Sydney. Luckily for us, we had Premium seating so we slept most of the flight. Before we knew it we were watching the glorius Aussie sunrise. You have not seen reds or oranges like this in any sky (alright, maybe Indonesia).

On our way to Kevin's parents house, I pointed out the Opera House to the kids and they questioned "Oprah has a house here?" Can you believe it!

Following lunch, we went on a 2.5Km bushwalk. The weather was glorious. We walked in t-shirts but saw one guy without a shirt at all! This for winter! We saw Kookaburra and Cockatoo amongst other wildlife. Back at home, the Lorakeets came to feast. That's it for now, a brief nap before cocktails!

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