Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Just another day in the Beilby family. Caitlin decides that she wants to volunteer to work at "Paws" - the local shelter that hosts kittens and bigger kittens until such time as a generous human will adopt them. So...we embark on the walk to the cat sanctuary for some unknown reason with our cat chasing, slightly neurotic, not completely bright but lovable dog! As we approach the "Paws", Redd decides to attack the lovable creature basking in the the summer sun on a chair outside the shelter. Much to the cat's credibility, it fought back and gave Redd a couple of nasty scratches on his nose.

So...despite the drama, the shelter owner agrees that Caitlin and her friend Annabella may help out in the shelter and puts them to work immediately scooping poop and feeding the 30 or so kittens they house here.
I'm very proud of her. She worked very hard, despite the smelly poop and feral kittens jumping all over her.

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